Bronchitis XI
19-21 June 2024
Groningen, the Netherlands
On behalf of the Organizing Committee we would like to thank you for attending and participating in the Bronchitis XI symposium with the theme:“'Heterogeneity of lung disease in a changing environment'”.
From 19-21 June, 2024 Bronchitis XI was held in Groningen, the Netherlands. During this three-day symposium, sessions focussed on structural, immunological, epidemiological, environmental, and (epi)genetic aspects of obstructive lung diseases. Next to that, young researchers had the opportunity to present new data and to interact with experts in the field. It was amazing to see how Bronchitis XI participants connected with eachother.
A selection of presentations of Bronchitis XI will soon be available. All participants of Bronchitis XI will receive personal login details per e-mail with further instructions on how to get access.
The group photo taken in the Blauwe Patio of the UMCG on Friday 21 June, is now published on this webpage, click here for the photo's.
On behalf of the organizing committee we wish you a lovely Summer!
Corry-Anke Brandsma
Irene Heijink
Machteld Hylkema
Dirk-Jan Slebos
Maaike de Vries
Lies Moed
To be announcedTo be announced